As of October 9th 2012, Paper Moon is taking a little break. What's that, you say? We've been silent for a couple of years so what exactly are we taking a break FROM, you say? Touché, my friend.
We have been working on new songs, with an expanded line-up that includes a combination of members from the last several years (welcome back, Rob and Leslie!). The songs have become such that they don't exactly fit the Paper Moon ouevre, so we decided to start up a new project to house them. Please say hello to...

We even have a new song available for purchase at Bandcamp. Other ways you can get involved with us include Facebook and Twitter, with more coming as we continue settling ourselves.
As far as Paper Moon information goes, we plan on rebuilding this site but for now you can:
Purchase our music at CD Baby, iTunes, and Zunior, with a Bandcamp page coming soon,